
維度女性網(wǎng) > 親子 > 捉泥鰍兒歌英文版視頻_兒歌捉泥鰍英文歌詞兒歌捉泥鰍簡譜


來源于:維度女性網(wǎng)2015-04-03 09:52編輯:vdolady





Yelling to all my friends gather around the field

Inside the muddy field hiding many eels

Wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Oh boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Yelling to all my friends gather around the field

Inside the muddy field hiding many eels

Wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Oh boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Yelling to all my friends gather around the field

Inside the muddy field hiding many eels

Wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Oh boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Oh boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels



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