
維度女性網(wǎng) > 時(shí)尚推薦 > Rechenberg 2015秋冬系列——藏區(qū)女性的頌歌

Rechenberg 2015秋冬系列——藏區(qū)女性的頌歌

來源于:維度女性網(wǎng)2015-09-22 14:38編輯:vdo

Designer Kathrin von Rechenberg’s Autumn/Winter 2015 Collection is inspired by the fabrics, colours and styles worn by women on the Tibetan plateau.

Beijing, 17 September, 2015: Followers of Rechenberg for the past 10 years and more have come to expect surprises in her two annual signature collections. The designs she has conceived for her latest Autumn/Winter Collection do not disappoint. A recent trip to the Tibetan plateau has clearly left a deep impression, inspiring remarkable, designs any woman would find it hard to resist – clothes that can be worn season after season for their timeless beauty and elegance.

The Collection was shown in her showroom, redecorated for the occasion with long felt bands of differing lengths to suggest at once the intimacy of a Tibetan temple or the warm interior of a Yurt and the infinity of the Tibetan plain or fluttering Tibetan flags.

The fabrics she works with include Cashmere, Merino wool and silk, woollen jersey and boiled wool. This year, however, there is the added excitement of soft, handmade felt made from the hair of the Yak, the huge, hairy beast that grazes over so much of the Tibetan plateau and is a staple of the Tibetan tribal economy for its soft hair, milk and meat.

Tibetan tribal women wear clothes designed for warmth and comfort. They must also be practical to allow their wearers to carry out their daily work, often outdoors in the chilly climate conditions of vast open plains. Yet they remain striking and timelessly elegant in their muted, earthy colours drawn from a palette that has black as its base and includes mustard, rust, iron grey, the orangey-red hues of Tibetan coral and of course the soft grey-beige of natural Yak. All these colours are to be found in the latest Rechenberg collection for Autum/Winter 2015.

Kathrin has taken the best of their features and characteristics to produce a classic and timelessly elegant collection in which coats and jackets are very long and draped, with close-fitting, cosy necklines. Trousers are wide and worn just above the ankle, often paired with blouses made of silk organza and tea-silk, that manage at once to be both voluminous and closely draped, combining raglan with spiral-cut, leg-of-mutton sleeves for a neatly fitted, draped look that is clearly very comfortable and practical. Coats and jackets are fastened with simple silver and blackened silver brooches, a nod at the jewels worn by Tibetan women, that are often family heirlooms. The overall look is softly falling, draped fabrics executed with sophisticated haute-couture detailing to envelope the wearer. This is contrasted with the feathery finery of natural hand-dyed organza and tea-silk mostly used for her evening wear designs.

Kathrin von Rechenberg’s constants have long been to focus on what is natural and sustainable. She has drawn her creativity for this collection from long-established Tibetan traditions, combined with the best that Nature has to offer, in this case, the wondrous colours of the immense Tibetan plateau, the handsome women who grace it and the cosy, comfortable clothes they wear. What better combination could one find for an Autumn/Winter collection!








Brooches are made in collaboration with Nicolas Favard.

The musicians, who interpreted the inspiration of the collection beautifully with their instruments, are:

Flutes - Wang Hua

Zither - Lao Luo





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